Developmental Coaching Lenses & Techniques


This process is designed to facilitate you to wake up to how your thinking and behaviour might be un-resourceful so you can choose an optimal pathway for yourself. Selective diagnostic instruments provide a sound, measurable basis for beginning your personal development and/or leadership journey.

Every coaching conversation will guide you discover:


    New levels of understanding and awareness about yourself through realisations, new insights, discovering blind spots, etc.


    You will build new muscles that will lead to new actions, behaviours, and practices towards any situation.


through a self-review process you will set a clear intention, bringing that intentionality to the coaching conversations.



getting to the heart of things to allow you to become self-aware of your personality structure so that you can facilitate change and new beaviours..


questions, guided exercises and patterns will lead to new beliefs, frames of reference, programs and strategies you use.



a higher logical level with new perspectives, applying the new learnings into your life, accelerating your growth.



registering and acknowledging specific new moves and competencies, realised with awareness of the process of change.


Lenses & Diagnostics


    The Self Review process and WFO work is survey is the main aspect of the Direction process to help the person identify their current personal, professional and organisational needs in a way that is accurate and measurable to step into the coaching relationship with a deep understanding of what the focus will be.


    NLP is a technique that works with the voluntary and autonomic nervous system (NEURO) involving higher cortical functions in the brain, which enable you to use symbols to create language (LINGUISTIC) and it addresses the actual processes or patterns that you use to order and sequence your mapping. (PROGRAMMING).

    NLP Is a psychoactive model, which means it works without you allowing you to awake from your self structures. This means it creates realisations, new knowings that allow you to change without you doing necessarily doing anything specific.


    The Enneagram is a Personality Test that will be included as part of the coaching process. The Enneagram of Personality is a model of the human psyche principally understood as a typology of nine interconnected personality types. It facilitates awareness of the Persons Current Way of Being in terms of habituated thinking patterns, attitude, behaviours and reactions. These core beliefs drive our deepest motivations and fears - and fundamentally shape a person’s worldview and the perspectives through which they see the world.


    Meta means above and about: they govern how we experience reality and they become leverage points for change in coaching. Meta-programs are filters of meaning we use without probably realising it and become the DNA of our personality. They govern our programming and how we perceive reality, creating cognitive biases. They direct our attention and filter the information we receive. Learning how you run your brain will allow you to change it and specifically gain flexibility between them in any given context.


    BIONEUROEMOTION® is a method that combines Biology, Neuroscience, Epigenetic, NLP, Family Trees and Psychology working to change any negative perception of past events that created any blocking or unconscious emotions that are causing pain. Different from treating, in which the context remains the same and the objective is to recover from the symptoms, working through BIONEUROEMOTION® changes your context so as to bring an absolute removal of the basis of the condition.


    Quadrants are based on four broad categories into which we can place all phenomena. These four categories help us better understand how the world and everything in it fits together.  (subjective, inter-subjective, objective and interobjective). Consciously considering all four quadrants in any situation can give us a more complete understanding of the situation. And consciously paying attention to all four quadrants can help us empower to many different perspectives of life.


    Meditation is one of the most direct ego-structures shedding practices you will experience. The awareness of being you and the energy that is moving within your location is only possible in silence. The main aspect of self development has to do with the level of awareness you can hold about yourself and the way you are managing your brain since it is not possible to clear a thinking structure with thinking. Meditation will be suggested and practiced throughout this process as an accelerator for your development.

    This is merely the start of the coaching process, there are many more dimensions to explore such as The Communications Model, Lines of Intelligence, Levels of Development and more.

    You can learn more about how this process and technique allowed other people to evolve HERE

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