10 Questions to Create Empowerment From Uncertainty

Since certainty can’t come from the outside, we need to create it from the inside out. Our certainty can come from who we want to be. We can be certain about how we want to show up in the world.

Embracing uncertainty is the only way that you are going to be able to create the life you want. Instead of looking for evidence in the past or future, use your present to grow stronger now.

This questions will help you move from feeling confused or overwhelmed to a feeling motivated and ready to face this new challenge in your life. Revisit this exercise often to self-coach yourself and create the life you want for yourself and the people around you.

Dream Big.

Start Small.

Begin Now.

1) Make a list of all the things you feel uncertain about today

2) Pick the one that stresses you the most. How is this a problem for you?

3) What fear can you recognise behind this uncertainty?

4) How is this fear affecting you, your life, your family, your friends, your work/colleagues?

5) Close your eyes and allow this fear inside your body. In which parts of your body do you feel it? Which physical sensations does it create? How can you describe this feeling?

6) How would your life be different if you didn’t have this fear?

7) Which challenge would you need to face in order to overcome this fear?

8) Why is overcoming this challenge important for you?

9) What three things can you do tomorrow to face this challenge?

10) How would this challenge change you in a way that more fulfils the purpose of the person you want to become?

When you are consciously aware of your thoughts and reactions you can become accountable of your emotional balance and get your power back.

Great power begins with a simple start.

If you want to improve your emotional and mental health

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